Sunday, September 27, 2009

100 Days to Goal

On September 23rd, just a few days ago, the calendar hit the 100 days to the end of the year. Many of us set goals every year in January and by the time spring break comes; most of us have forgotten what those goals were.

First of all, if you did set some goals at the beginning of the year, congratulations! Less than 5% of the world sets goals and achieves them. If you have never set a goal or been serious about setting a goal, NOW is a great time to set a goal to complete it by the end of the year. As we approach October, we have 3 months or approximately 90 days to accomplish a goal. It can be anything you have been putting off all year. A fitness goal, financial, a special project, or maybe something fun like spending every Friday night with your family playing board games. You decide, but get into the habit of setting and achieve goals.

In Scouts, most of the kids have no idea that they have set a goal and are working on achieving it. As soon as they join scouting, either at the Cub Scout level or at the Boy Scout Level, they are working towards their ranks. In Boy Scouts, the big goal is the Eagle rank. Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle. It does not matter when a boy joins Scouts, he has a set deadline to make Eagle; his 18th birthday. Over 2 million boys in the United States have become members of an elite club. At an early age, these boys have become goal achievers. You can review the number of government leaders in office today and in the past to see goal achievers with the Eagle Scout rank on their resume.

If you are an Eagle Scout, congratulations, you are a goal achiever. If you have not set goals in a while, it is time to get back to your roots.

The time is NOW to set and achieve goals. You have about 100 days to goal. If you need help, you can contact a life coach, look online, or check out your library for books on goals setting. There is plenty of material to get you started. I recommend the Goal Achiever program from Bob Proctor. Jodee Bock, in the Fargo-Moorhead area facilitated the program I went through. It changed my thinking and helped me move towards my life purpose. You can contact Jodee at

Lead by Example,

Scouter Steve

Monday, September 21, 2009

Joining New Units

We relocated to beautiful Colorado. The kids are settled into school. We were fortunate enough to have a great scouting experience in Arizona and Minnesota. In both locations, we built strong relationships with Scouters and we consider them to be great friends. Now that we have moved, we needed to find new units for our boys.

When we moved to Minnesota, I did most of the looking and deciding for the boys. This time around, the boys did their own picking. Our youngest boy seems to be very happy with his new Pack. His Cubmaster showed up to the Pack meeting in a costume. During the Pack meeting, the boys made popcorn balls… what else to kick-off the popcorn selling season.

With our oldest, he checked out two units. Both units had great reputations within the community. The first one he visited was having their Court of Honor. A bit of a lusterless ceremony for the hard work, the boys did over the summer. My son did not know any of the boys in that troop. I suggested he ask some of his classmates if they were in Scouts and what unit they were in. All of them were in the same unit. My son and I went to check out the second unit. They were planning a campout. The Scoutmaster did very little during the meeting (definitely boy lead). There were several parents at the meeting, all of them with their heads down working on Scout matters (advancement chair, popcorn chair, and an outdoor coordinator). By the end of the meeting, my son said he wanted to go camping and join this troop.

I knew my son had picked a good troop, when the scoutmaster had a quick meeting with the boys. Buddy system at all times, no smell-ables in the tents, and get your tents up and meet back in 20 minutes. When I saw some of the younger boys struggling with the tent, I attempted to help them out. The Scoutmaster politely told me they would figure it out. Very cool! After the tents were up, the Scoutmaster gave the boys a half hour to explore the area with their buddy.

It has only been a week of meetings and events, but I think the boys will have some good experiences a head of them.

We have been involved with scouting for several years and have been involved in several packs and a few troops. We have seen some great units and some checkbox units. When it comes down to it, the boys are the ones that determine if scouting is going to be fun. If they get involved, they will have fun. Do your best and be prepared!

Lead by Example,

Scouter Steve

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Scout is Friendly…

Before I get started, I wanted to apologies for such a long break from my last posting. Its been quite the busy time. We’ve moved from Minnesota to Colorado. We’re looking forward to the adventures of scouting in our new region.

On one of the trips we drove through South Dakota. Pierre was one of the communities we drove through. This brings me to my topic. Just about everyone driving towards me had some type of wave as I drove by on the highway. My wife insisted I get with the swing of things and wave back to these friendly folks. As I exchanged waves, I started to think about this situation. Most of these people live in South Dakota and that is the way life is … friendly and happy. I still think they all thought I was the Governor. If you think about it a little, I was driving a white American made SUV and I was coming out of Pierre. I do not know what the Governor of South Dakota drives, but I am sure everyone near Pierre knows the Governor. My wife didn’t think so either.

This long time in the car had me thinking about all of the friendly people we have met in the past couple of years. Many of them are from the Fargo-Moorhead community and especially in the scout troop we are a part of. Being part of Scouts in general will help a young boy with being a friendly character. All you have to do is say ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’ and then smile.

My challenge to you is to say ‘Hello’ to 10 random strangers…

Lead by example,

Scouter Steve